Saturday, 9 October 2010


 So last week, we were to take a pattern and impose it on a piece. I opted for a bangle as I wanted to get through this brief quickly and get back to brief 3. Zebra pattern on a Bangle.  I selected Aluminium as a metal but spent a lot of time trying to polish out the scratches and marks so I'll be slower next time to pick it. I covered the bar in heavy duty tape, cut through with my pattern and peeled off the "black" stripes. I then sanded each stripe. The look I got is not the one in the photo's. On Thursday, Sam showed us a little tool that goes on the buffer, that whips the metal giving it an etched look. It took 2 minutes as opposed to 2 hours with sandpaper. I think next time I get an idea, I'll hold off until the Thursday afternoon instruction. Save myself a lot of pain and anguish. So lesson learned this week was, be slower in selecting materials, techniques, and sizes for the end product. Over and out !

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